Selected Subject Headings from the Sources Database
Selected Subject Headings from the Sources® Database:

Places Category

The following list contains headings from the Sources® Subject Index related to Places. If you can not print from your browser a text version is available here. For additional assistance please call Sources at (416) 964-5735.

· Abacos
· Aboriginal Tourism Development
· Acadian Odyssey/Monument Lefebvre
· Advertising/Transit
· Airports
· Aland Isles
· Alaska Panhandle
· Albania
· Alberta
· Algeria
· Alsace
· Amazon
· Amazon River
· American Samoa
· Americas
· Amsterdam
· Amusement Parks/Rides
· Andes
· Andorra
· Angola
· Anguilla
· L'Anse aux Meadows, NF
· Antarctica
· Antarctica World Park
· Anticosti Island
· Antigua
· Aosta
· Appalachian Geology
· Arabian Gulf
· Archaeology/Central America
· Archaeology/North America
· Archaeology/South America
· Arctic
· Arctic Ocean
· Ardgowan, PEI
· Argentina
· Armenia
· Aruba
· Asia
· Asia-Pacific
· Asia-Pacific Region
· Athabasca Basin
· Athens
· Atlantic Canada
· Atlantic Ocean
· Attractions
· Aulavik
· Australia
· Austria
· Auyuittuq
· Azerbaijan
· Azores
· Babylon
· Back River
· Baffin Island
· Bagdad
· Bahamas
· Bahrain
· Baker Lake
· Bali
· Balkans
· Baltic States
· Banff
· Bangladesh
· Bank Fishery/Age of Sail Exhibit, NS
· Barbados
· Barbuda
· Barcelona
· Barrie, Ontario
· Bathurst Island
· Bavaria
· Bay of Fundy
· Beaubears Island, NB
· Beijing
· Belarus
· Belgium
· Belize
· Benin
· Berlin
· Bermuda
· Berry Islands
· Bhutan
· Bil'in Village
· Bimini
· Bohemia
· Bolivia
· Bonaire
· Borders
· Bosnia-Herzegovina
· Botswana
· Brandenburg
· Brantford, Ontario
· Bras d'Or Lake, Nova Scotia
· Brazil
· Bremen
· British Columbia
· British Virgin Islands
· Brittany
· Bruce County, Ontario
· Bruce Peninsula
· Bruce Trail
· Brunei Darussalam
· Brunswick (Braunschweig)
· Brussels
· Budapest
· Buenos Aires
· Buffalo, N.Y.
· Bulgaria
· Burgundy
· Burkina Faso
· Burlington, Ont.
· Burma
· Burundi
· Buses
· Cairo
· Calgary, Alberta
· Calgary Events
· Calgary History
· California
· Cambodia
· Cambridge, Ontario
· Cameroon
· Canada
· Canada's Capital
· Canada's Wonderland
· Canadian Place Names
· Canary Islands
· Canmore
· Cape Breton Highlands, NS
· Cape Breton Island
· Cape Dorset
· Cape Spear, NF
· Cape Verde
· Caribbean
· Carleton Martello Tower
· Casablanca
· Castille
· Castle Hill, NF
· Catalonia
· Caucasus
· Cayman Islands
· Central Africa
· Central African Republic
· Central America
· Central Europe
· Chad
· Charlottetown, PEI
· Chechnya
· Chiapas, Mexico
· Chicago
· Chile
· China
· Christmas Island
· Churchill River
· Churchill, Manitoba
· Clayoquot Sound
· Clearwater, Alberta
· Cocos (Keeling) Islands
· Colombia
· Columbia River
· Comoros
· Congo
· Convention Centres
· Cook Islands
· Copenhagen
· Coppermine River
· Corner Brook, Newfoundland
· Cornwall
· Cornwallis Park
· Corporate Facilities
· Corsica
· Costa Rica
· Croatia
· Crowsnest Pass
· Cuba
· Curacao
· Cyprus
· Czech Republic
· Czechoslovakia
· Dalmatia
· Deer Lake, Newfoundland
· Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
· Dempster Highway
· Denmark
· Des Moines
· Dieppe, NB
· Djibouti
· Dominica
· Dominican Republic
· Don River (Toronto)
· Dublin
· East Africa
· East Prussia
· East Timor
· East York, Ontario
· Easter Island
· Eastern Caribbean States
· Eastern Europe
· Eastern Townships
· Ecuador
· Edmonton, Alberta
· Egypt
· El Salvador
· Eleuthera
· Ellesmere Island
· Elliot Lake
· Endangered Spaces
· England
· Equatorial Guinea
· Eritrea
· Estonia
· Ethiopia
· Etobicoke, Ontario
· Eurasia
· Europe
· Euskadi
· Exhibition Halls
· Exhibition Place
· Exploits River
· Exuma
· Faeroe Islands
· Falkland Islands
· Faroes
· Fiji
· Finland
· Flanders
· Floe Edge
· Fort Amherst/Port-la-Joye, PEI
· Fort Anne, NS
· Fort Beausejour, NB
· Fort Edward, NS
· Fort McNab, NS
· Fortress of Louisbourg, NS
· France
· France/Doing Business in
· Francophone Africa
· Fraser River
· Fredericton, N.B.
· French Guiana
· French Polynesia
· Friesland
· Friuli
· Frobisher Bay
· Fundy National Park
· Gabon
· Galapagos
· Galicia
· Gambia
· Gaspé
· Gatineau Park
· Gaza Strip
· Geographical Names
· Geography/German
· Georgia
· Georgian Bay
· German Democratic Republic (DDR)
· Germany
· Germany/Doing Business in
· Ghana
· Gibraltar
· Grand Cayman
· Grand Lake, Newfoundland
· Grand-Pre, NS
· Grand Turk
· Grassy Island, NS
· Great Bear Lake
· Great Slave Lake
· Greater Toronto Area
· Greece
· Greenland
· Greenland Ice Sheet
· Grenada
· Grey County, Ontario
· Gros Morne National Park, NF
· Guadeloupe
· Guam
· Guantanamo Naval Base
· Guatemala
· Guernica
· Guernsey
· Guinea
· Guinea-Bissau
· Guyana
· Haiti
· Halifax, N.S.
· Halifax Citadel, NS
· Halifax Events
· Hamburg
· Hamilton, Ontario
· Hanlan's Beach
· Hannover
· Harbourfront, Toronto
· Hawaii
· Hesse
· High Arctic
· Himalayas
· Historic Sites
· Historic Sites/National
· Hollywood
· Honduras
· Hong Kong
· Hong Kong/Business
· Hopedale Mission, NF
· Horn of Africa
· Hudson Bay
· Hungary
· Hungary/Doing Business in
· Huronia
· Iceland
· India
· India/Doing Business in
· Indian Ocean
· Indian Sub-Continent
· Indochina
· Indonesia
· Industrial Real Estate
· Intermodal Passenger Transportation
· Investment/Western U.S.
· Iowa
· Iran
· Iraq
· Ireland
· Isla de Cozumel
· Isla de San Andres
· Islands
· Isle of Man
· Israel
· Israel/Doing Business in
· Israeli Settlements
· Istanbul
· Italy
· Ivory Coast
· Jamaica
· James Bay
· Jammu
· Japan
· Japanese Studies
· Jasper, Alberta
· Jersey
· Jerusalem
· Johnston Atoll
· Jordan
· Jordan River
· Jordan Valley
· Kansas
· Kansas City
· Kashmir
· Kazakhstan
· Keewatin
· Kejimkujik National Park, NS
· Kenya
· Khutzamateen Valley
· Kingston, Ontario
· Kiribati
· Korea
· Kosovo
· Kouchibouguac National Park, NB
· Kurdistan
· Kuwait
· Kyrgyzstan
· Labour Migration
· Lachine Canal
· Lake Athabasca
· Lake Erie
· Lake Huron
· Lake Louise
· Lake Nipigon
· Lake of the Woods
· Lake Ontario
· Lake St. Clair
· Lake Simcoe, Ontario
· Lake Superior
· Land Acquisition
· Laos
· Las Vegas
· Latin America
· Latvia
· Leasing Centre Design
· Lebanon
· Lesotho
· Liard Highway
· Liberia
· Libya
· Liechtenstein
· Lisbon
· Lithuania
· London, England
· London, Ontario
· Long Point, Ontario
· Lorraine
· Los Angeles
· Louisbourg
· Luneburg
· Luxembourg
· Macao
· Macedonia
· Machu Picchu
· Mackenzie Basin Hydrology
· Mackenzie Highway
· Mackenzie River
· Madagascar
· Madeira
· Madrid
· Malawi
· Malaysia
· Maldives
· Mali
· Malta
· Manitoba
· Manitoulin Island
· Marble Mountain, Newfoundland
· Marconi, NS
· Marshall Islands
· Martinique
· Mauritania
· Mauritius
· Mayotte
· Mecklenburg
· Mediterranean Sea
· Mexico
· Micronesia/Federated States of
· Middle East
· Missouri
· Moldova
· Monaco
· Moncton, N.B.
· Mongolia
· Montenegro
· Montreal, Quebec
· Montreal Events
· Montserrat
· Moravia
· Morocco
· Moscow
· Mozambique
· Nahanni
· Namibia
· National Atlas of Canada
· National Topographic Database
· Nauru
· Nebraska
· Nelson River
· Nepal
· Netherlands, The
· Netherlands Antilles
· New Brunswick
· New Brunswick/Business
· New Brunswick History
· New Caledonia
· New England Planters Exhibit, NS
· New Providence
· New York City
· New Zealand
· Newfoundland & Labrador
· Niagara Falls
· Nicaragua
· Niger
· Nigeria
· Niue
· Norfolk Island
· Normandy
· North, The
· North Africa
· North America
· North American History
· North Korea
· North Pole
· North York
· Northern Manitoba
· Northern Mariana Islands
· Northern Ontario
· Northwest Passage
· Northwest Territories
· Norway
· Nova Scotia
· Nova Scotia Geology
· Nova Scotia Tourist Attractions
· Nova Scotia Water Resources
· Nunavik
· Nunavut
· Oaxaca, Mexico
· Occitania
· Oceania
· Oklahoma
· Oklahoma City
· Oldenburg
· Omaha
· Oman
· Ontario
· Ontario Place
· Oromocto, N.B.
· Ottawa
· Ottawa River
· Ottoman Empire
· Pacific Coast
· Pacific Ocean
· Pacific Rim
· Padadena, Newfoundland
· Pakistan
· Palatinate
· Palau
· Palestine
· Palestine/Occupation
· Panama
· Panama Canal
· Pangnirtung
· Papua New Guinea
· Paracel Islands
· Paraguay
· Paris
· Patagonia
· Peace River
· Persia
· Persian Gulf
· Peru
· Philippines
· Pine Coulee Reservoir
· Pitcairn Islands
· Point Pelee
· Poland
· Political Geography
· Pomerania
· Pond Inlet
· Port au Choix, NF
· Port Royal, NS
· Portugal
· Prague
· Prince Edward Island
· Prince Edward Island National Park
· Prince of Wales Tower, NS
· Province House, PEI
· Prussia
· Puerto Rico
· Qatar
· Quebec
· Quebec City
· Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C.
· Rankin Inlet
· Red Bay, NF
· Red River
· Regina, Saskatchewan
· Regional Geography
· Reunion
· Rhineland
· Rio de Janeiro
· Rocky Mountains
· Romania
· Rome
· Russia
· Rwanda
· Ryan Premises, NF
· Saarland
· Saba
· Saguenay River
· Sahara
· Sahel
· St. Andrews Blockhouse, NB
· St. Barthelemy
· St. Christopher and Nevis
· St. Eustatius
· St. Helena
· Saint John, N.B.
· Saint John River
· St. John's, Nfld
· St. Kitts
· St. Lawrence River
· St. Louis
· St. Lucia
· St. Martin/St. Maarten
· St. Peters Canal, NS
· St. Pierre & Miquelon
· St. Vincent & the Grenadines
· Samoa
· San Marino
· San Salvador
· Sao Tome & Principe
· Sardinia
· Saskatchewan
· Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
· Saudi Arabia
· Saugeen River
· Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
· Saxony
· Scandanavia
· Scarborough, Ontario
· Schaumburg-Lippe
· Schleswig Holstein
· Scotland
· Senegal
· Serbia
· Seychelles
· Shanghai
· Shetland
· Siberia
· Sicily
· Sierra Leone
· Signal Hill
· Sikkim
· Singapore
· Slovakia
· Slovenia
· Solomon Islands
· Somalia
· South Africa
· South America
· South Asia
· South Georgia
· South Korea
· South Pacific
· South Sudan
· Southeast Asia
· Southern Africa
· Soviet Union
· Spain
· Spratly Islands
· Sri Lanka
· St. Thomas
· Steady Brook, Newfoundland
· Sub-Arctic
· Sudan
· Sudbury, Ontario
· Suez Canal
· Suriname
· Svalbard
· Swabia
· Swaziland
· Sweden
· Switzerland
· Syria
· Taiwan
· Tajikistan
· Tanzania
· Tel Aviv
· Terra Nova National Park, NF
· Thailand
· The Forks, Manitoba
· Thelon Game Sanctuary
· Thunder Bay, Ontario
· Thuriginia
· Tibet
· Tigray
· Togo
· Tokelau
· Tokyo
· Tonga
· Toronto, Ontario
· Toronto/Entertainment & Cultural
· Toronto Events
· Toronto/High Park
· Toronto Islands
· Toronto/Parkdale
· Toronto Ravines & Natural Areas
· Toronto Waterfront
· Tortola
· Travel/Canada
· Trinidad & Tobago
· Tulsa
· Tunisia
· Turkey
· Turkmenistan
· Turks & Caicos Islands
· Tuvalu
· Tyrol
· Uganda
· Ukraine
· Ulster
· United Arab Emirates
· United Kingdom
· United States of America
· U.S. Virgin Islands
· Uruguay
· Uzbekistan
· Vancouver, B.C.
· Vancouver Island
· Vanuatu
· Vatican
· Vaughan
· Venezuela
· Venice
· Victoria, B.C.
· Victoria Island
· Vienna
· Vietnam
· Virgin Gorda
· Wake Island
· Wales
· Walkerton, Ontario
· Wall Street
· Wallonia
· Weather Forecasts - Calgary, AB
· Weather Forecasts - Charlottetown, PE
· Weather Forecasts - Churchill, MB
· Weather Forecasts - Corner Brook, NF
· Weather Forecasts - Edmonton, AB
· Weather Forecasts - Fredericton, NB
· Weather Forecasts - Halifax, NS
· Weather Forecasts - Iqaluit, NU
· Weather Forecasts - Moncton, NB
· Weather Forecasts - Montreal, QC
· Weather Forecasts - Ottawa, ON
· Weather Forecasts - Prince George, BC
· Weather Forecasts - Prince Rupert, BC
· Weather Forecasts - Quebec, QC
· Weather Forecasts - Regina, SK
· Weather Forecasts - Saskatoon, SK
· Weather Forecasts - St. John's, NF
· Weather Forecasts - Sudbury, ON
· Weather Forecasts - Sydney, NS
· Weather Forecasts - Thunder Bay, ON
· Weather Forecasts - Toronto, ON
· Weather Forecasts - Vancouver, BC
· Weather Forecasts - Victoria, BC
· Weather Forecasts - Whitehorse, YK
· Weather Forecasts - Windsor, ON
· Weather Forecasts - Winnipeg, MB
· Weather Forecasts - Yarmouth, NS
· Weather Forecasts - Yellowknife, NT
· Welland Canal
· West Africa
· West Bank
· West Indies
· West Papua
· Western Canada
· Western Europe
· Western Newfoundland
· Western Sahara
· Western Samoa
· Westphalia
· Wichita
· Windsor, Ontario
· Winnipeg, Manitoba
· Wood Buffalo National Park
· Woodstock, Ontario
· World Trade Centre
· World's Tallest Structure
· Wreck Beach B.C.
· Xinjiang
· Yemen Arab Republic
· York Redoubt, NS
· Yugoslavia
· Yukon
· Yukon River
· Zaire
· Zambia
· Zimbabwe

Current Subject Index (Topics for which experts are currently listed in Sources)  (Does not include subjects for which no expert is currently listed)

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Sources is a directory for journalists, writers, news editors, researchers. Use Sources to find experts, media contacts, spokespersons, scientists, lobbyists, officials, speakers, university professors, researchers, newsmakers, CEOs, executive directors, media relations contacts, spokespeople, talk show guests, PR representatives, Canadian sources, story ideas, research studies, databases, universities, colleges, associations, businesses, government, research institutions, lobby groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), in Canada and internationally.
© Sources 1977-2019. The information in the Sources® Subject Index database is for the sole use of Sources subscribers and may not be reproduced in any form or by any means (whether electronic, mechanical or photographic), or stored in an electronic retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher. The contents may not be resold, republished, or redistributed. Indexing and search applications by Ulli Diemer and Chris DeFreitas.

Phone: (416) 964-5735