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What Are Journalists Up To On the Internet?

It's a good question... and the answer can be found in a new survey compiled by Middleberg and Associates. Here are a few highlights:

The study records an amazing pace of change: "The practices of journalists, in how they research stories, has changed more in the 40 month period represented by our four surveys, than in the previous forty years." Wow!
89% of respondents or their staff go online at least once a month, 45% do so daily.
42% of journalists report that they use the Internet as a primary vehicle to find new sources and experts - that certainly explains some of the 5,000 visits Sources Select Online receives every month!

The entire survey can be found at It came to HotLink's attention through From the Hip, the electronic newsletter of HipHype Canada. From the Hip is a great resource - visit HipHype at


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How Sources magnifies your Internet visibility