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The Age of Accountability is Now: Are You Prepared?

May 8, 2012

Who is watching and why you should care?

Burlington, ON-

Those who live a lie will be discovered by the trails of records left by their written and spoken words, spending, online posting and images on cameras in public and private locations. Are you aware?

Living an authentic life allows for confidence when activities are tracked. Living a lie creates stress as fears mount that proof will appear to blow an image that is very different than the one projected. Are you afraid of being held accountable for your life?

Providing assistance as a marriage and family therapist, speaker and consultant on relationships to businesses since 1981, Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem M.Ed. promotes integrity in all relationships. Each person must live with themselves throughout their lifecycle. Her expertise can assist those who are afraid to ask the difficult questions of those with whom they are in personal and professional relationships leading to less stress, lower levels of anger, decreased conflict and problem solutions.

For more information contact:
Marilyn Belleghem M.Ed.
Consultant Speaker
Marilyn Belleghem Consulting Inc.
Phone: 905-639-0050

Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem
Quest Publishing
Phone: 905 639 8393

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Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem, M.Ed.


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