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Celebrating Canadian Multiculturalism Day

June 27, 2017

Ottawa -- Almost 15 years ago (Nov 13, 2002), by Royal Proclamation, the Government of Canada declared June 27 of each year, as Canadian Multiculturalism Day on which date we recognize and acknowledge Canada’s rich diversity and the significant contribution ethnocultural communities have made and continue to make in shaping and enriching our great country, Canada.

Canada has indeed come a long way since Confederation in 1867. In this sesquicentennial year, Canadians from coast to coast to coast celebrate their past 150 years of accomplishments and with passion look towards nourishing Canada’s great future. Multiculturalism has and continues to play a very important role not only in the realization of these accomplishments but in the building of a stronger, better and more united Canada, said Dominic Campione, President.

In this historical year 2017, Mr. Campione is mindful of the following words stated by the late Father of Multiculturalism, Senator Paul Yuzyk, in his Maiden Speech, in the Senate in 1964, “ Canada’s future and greatness will depend not so much upon the exploitation of her natural resources as upon proper development of her human resources, both of which we have in variety. If we succeed, and we are well on the road to succeeding, to evolve the pattern of unity in continuing diversity through application of the principle of Confederation and compromise, this will serve as precedent for other states in the world having similar population and cultural problems. It will be Canada’s contribution to the world. I shall venture to go farther. In Canada we have the world in miniature. World peace and order could be achieved if the principles of unity in continuing diversity, brotherhood, compromise and the recognition of freedom and dignity of individuals and nations are honestly applied”. - Senator Paul Yuzyk (1913-1986)

Driving this year’s celebration of Canada’s 150th, let us all together embrace Canada’s multiculturalism and make Canada a beacon of same and the instrument of world peace.

Happy Multiculturalism Day!

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Canadian Ethnocultural Council is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of national ethnocultural organizations. The CEC works to promote the understanding of the multicultural reality of Canada thereby ensuring equal opportunity and dignity for all Canadians regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, and ancestry, as defined in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Multiculturalism Act.

For more information contact:
Canadian Ethnocultural Council
Phone: 613 230-3867 ext 224

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