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Diet Rules For Celiac Disease

October 5, 2009

If you have celiac disease, you are going to have to go on a special diet, making sure that your intestines are protected. When you are dealing with celiac disease, your body can't absorb gluten, which can lead to a variety of other health problems as well. Dealing with the gluten free diet can be difficult in the beginning, but as you learn more about it, it becomes a bit easier. Are you wondering where you are supposed to begin with the diet? Well, here are some of the diet rules for celiac disease that you are going to need to follow.

Rule #1 - Stop Eating Wheat - First of all, the number one diet rule of a gluten free diet is to stop eating wheat. The covering that is on the grain of the wheat is gluten. So, the last thing that you should be eating is anything that has wheat in it. There are other choices you can go with, just stay away from the wheat.

Rule #2 - Go with Other Whole Grains - While you are not to eat wheat, there are other whole grains that you can have. You can't go with bran and barley, because they have the gluten covering on them as well. However, there are some other whole grains that you may be able to eat, such as corn or oats, although some people dealing with celiac disease are not able to eat them.

Rule #3 - Go with Gluten Free Breads - Although you are not able to eat breads that are made with wheat products, there are other breads that you can eat that don't have gluten in them. One good bread choice that you can try is potato bread, which is usually a gluten free bread. You can also make your own bread gluten free or purchase mixes that are gluten free to make bread with.

Rule #4 - Eat Plenty of Fruits and Veggies - Another important rule of a celiac diet is to make sure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. These are foods that are not going to exacerbate your problem. They are also very good for you, especially when you have celiac disease. You can cook them, bake them, or even eat them raw. However, if you add anything to your fruits and veggies, make sure that it is gluten free.

Rule #5 - Get Protein from Meats - Getting protein is important and fairly easy, even when you are dealing with celiac disease. Most meats are fine to eat, since they do not contain gluten. Soy based products are fine, as are eggs and peanut butter. Just make sure that no gluten is added to the peanut butter when it is being processed.

These rules are important if you are supposed to be eating a celiac diet. Once you learn these rules you'll be able to improve your health. While it may seem difficult at first, over time you'll find that following this diet becomes easier and easier and it will make you feel better too.

Don't feel trapped by celiac! Become empowered and learn how to live an active life with healthy foods that won't leave you feeling deprived. Visit for celiac information, gluten free recipes, and restaurant tips.

For more information contact:
Tricia Ryan
Phone: 416-259-6611

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