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TNT Express Worldwide
If you require information on issues related to the international courier business, transportation, postal services or airports, call TNT Express Worldwide. With 11,000 employees around the globe -- we connect you with key
TNT Express Worldwide is an international express shipper of documents, mail, packages and freight. We serve the time-sensitive transportation needs of business with three major operating divisions: TNT Express Worldwide, TNT Mailfast and TNT Air Express.
TNT Express Worldwide is the company's international express division, handling documents, freight and parcels and offering a range of sophisticated services considerably beyond the scope of most express companies.
TNT Mailfast -- with 56 mailing centres worldwide -- delivers more business mail through its global network than most major countries. Mailfast also offers innovative delivery and reply systems to support businesses conducting international direct mail programs.
TNT Air Express is an air freight specialist, serving Canadian companies that need time-sensitive shipping of heavy parcels and bulk products to points all across Canada.
Sandra Baker, TNT Express Worldwide, National Marketing Manager
Phone: (905) 678-2770
FAX: (905) 678-1665
Toll free: 1-800-461-8454 (24 hours)

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