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Independent Jewish Voices letter refutes Ambassador's claim Israel supports Christian Palestinians

March 21, 2012

To the Wall Street Journal,

Israeli ambassador Michael Oren OpEd absolves Israel's role in the plight of Palestinian Christians by placing the blame on Palestinian Muslims. ("Israel and the Plight of Mideast Christians" Wall Street Journal, 3/9/2012)

This is a divide and conquer tactic. Oren's Islamophobic sleight-of-hand bypasses another opportunity to pursue a just solution to the deadly conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Palestinian Christians are clear, their problems stem not from religious divisions, but from an illegal and brutal Israeli occupation. Within Palestinian society, Christians and Muslims have shared responsibilities and share the pain of being dispossessed and occupied.

If Israel is sincere in assisting Christian Palestinians, it will end the occupation and respect human rights for all.

Diana Ralph
Independent Jewish Voices,

Independent Jewish Voices is a pan-Canadian organization supporting human rights for all, and a just solution to the Palestinian-Israel conflict

For more information contact:
Diana Ralph
Independent Jewish Voices
Phone: 613-321-2765
Email: 613-321-2765

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