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The Sources HotLink has been published since 1996. HotLink.ca features new and original articles on media, journalism, media relations, public relations, publicity, fundraising, marketing, public speaking, and crisis communications. Recent and featured articles appear below. Find all HotLink articles with the Title Index, or Author Index.
Current and Featured Articles |
Sources HotLink newsletter – April 21, 2016
The Panama Papers are out and their impact is being felt internationally. They’ve already take down the Icelandic Prime Minister but he won’t be the only one to fall. In Sudan, the women’s movement struggles. Germany sells out one of its own citizens. Also in this issue, we take a little look at what computer automated journalism looks like and the business value of Reddit. For those looking for more in-depth content we offer a book on the Canadian Tar Sands and a film on the Mexican Cartels.
Sources HotLink newsletter – March 21, 2016
Refugees, censorship and North American politics. This issue looks at nine of the most influential whistleblowers in modern history. In France, instances of police violence increase tension in the refugee crisis. Cyberspace sees an unprecedented move in advertising as AdBlock lowers its walls for Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders to raise awareness about censorship and government cyber-spying. Media professionals get expert insight on the state of earned media. Film buff activists learn about life in the Favelas. Bookworms are invited to read Chomsky on the mass media. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – February 22, 2016
We start off 2016 with a review of 2015. Evidence shows that 2015 was a dangerous year for journalists overseas. In North America, we re-explore the debate between privacy and security and the curious case of Donald Trump. In South America, the issues with impunity remain ever prevalent.For our media relations professionals, we feature a fun guide to press releases and the words of thought leaders in digital media. Bookworms get The Man Who Recorded the World and film buffs get Control Room. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – August 26, 2015
This issue ranges widely. Read about unethical corporate behaviours and the impotence in the SEC in regulating the U.S. stock exchange. In media, we find more evidence to support what we already suspect: Fox News is heavily biased. International trade and copyright laws are exploited to the detriment of disabled persons and a civil rights group has taken an ideological about-face. For marketers, publishers and content creators, we feature a guide to viral advertisements and an article expressing the need and some basic guidelines for data security. We also feature a book on Internet censorship. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – August 12, 2015
This issue features articles about the big overpowering the small. Those who are powerful have always exerted their strength to control the thoughts and behaviours of the weak. In the past, it was straightforward -- through force. In modern times, however, this control is much less obvious. For our marketers and public relations specialists, we offer guides in internet marketing: one article on the current state of internet communications and another article on search engine optimization. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – July 22, 2015
We look at media and public interpretations of the Charleston massacre. Overseas, we explore brutal police tactics and violent suppression of free expression. For our marketers, feature an expert interview on the current state of print media. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – July 2, 2015
Propaganda, the suppression of free speech and campaigns against whistleblowers are global problems. Propaganda occurs in North America just as it happens everywhere else. This week, we focus on violations closer to home. American whistleblowers, western mainstream ‘news’ propaganda outlets and how the people are fighting back from within the system. Our items of the week feature a website, book and topic focused on the theme of censorship. For our marketing enthusiasts, we include a book on media relations along with guides to building effective internet and social media marketing campaigns. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – June 9, 2015
This issue features many stories related to the themes of journalistic standards and censorship. With increasing pressure from corporations and governments, reporters are finding it more and more difficult to report on issues that affect powerful interests. The problem lies not only with top-down pressure and control, but also with journalists themselves. Journalists often frame their stories to support particular narratives or points of view. Also in this issue: books, movies and other resources related to the theme of censorship, journalistic integrity, and acess to information. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – October 23, 2014
This week we cover the threats faced by many journalists who cover stories focused in the Middle-East and Latin America from rebel groups and autocratic regimes. We also highlight two works including the Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate by George Lakoff and the recently released film Kill the Messenger. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – September 25, 2014
This issue looks into the increasing government control of the Internet and other media in countries such as Turkey and Malaysia as well as the violence faced by journalists globally. We also present articles regarding the journalistic coverage of the Ray Rice abuse scandal and the importance of women in top editing jobs. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – September 9, 2014
We look at China’s continuing attempt to control and regulate media and news in Hong Kong. We also follow the attempts by the International Federation of Journalists to free three Al Jazeera journalists who have been imprisoned for the past 256 days on false conspiracy charges. |
Sources HotLink newsletter – July 24, 2014
The latest issue of the HotLink newsletter, featuring resources on media, journalism, media relations, press freedom, and other topics, is now available online or via email subscription. |
The team must be capable of achieving results that individuals cannot do in isolation or that is beyond their individual capability. It must have common goals or a purpose which each member recognizes and understands. |
Business Continuity and Crisis Preparedness
Many companies now recognize that when the work force acts as a unified team, mental and physical health improves, feelings and attitudes are positive, productivity climbs through the roof and greater profits result. |
Talk isn't always cheap
Far from being cheap, talk may turn out to be one of the most valuable assets your company owns. |
Schedule a Photo Shoot
Snapshots taken by friends or family are fine for most purposes, but when you need a professional portrait to use on your website, in your promotional materials or for the back cover of your book, you need to hire a professional. |
Essentials for a Great Website
If you want your website to generate action, think about how each component of your website will get
your customer through the sales lifecycle – to capture their interest, create desire and generate
action. |
What Makes a Good Story?
What makes a story interesting is often a combination of the interests of the audience, the interests and abilities of the reporter, and a long history of journalistic tradition. |
Keeping Current
With technology there’s no free lunch. You may gain immediacy and interactivity, but you may also lose permanency and power. |
Search Engine Power
Your Sources listing is often one of the most important factors in determining
how often, and how high up, your organization appears in Google and other search engines. |
